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Kinto Unimug S (350ml)
These Kinto Unimug's are easy to use and compact - perfect for brewing when you are on the go or if you are brewing solo. They are fun and easy to use - a must-have for Tea lovers!
Next Day Delivery (order before 2pm).
£11.99 exVAT
Kinto Kyusu White Teapot (300ml)
Kinto are world renowned when it comes to their high class selection of coffee and tea accessories such as this teapot, 100% hand crafted with premium porcelain and an elegant design based on the traditional Kyusu artistry.
Next Day Delivery (order before 2pm).
£24.99 exVAT
Bodum Assam Tea Press (1.5L)
This clever Bodum Assam Tea Press allows you to wait until your tea leaves or tea bag has brewed to your perfect strength before allowing you to lock the tea leaves or the tea bag into the bottom of the filter, stopping the brewing process, meaning your tea is perfectly brewed with no unnecessary mess!
Next Working Day Delivery (order before 2pm).